Monday, September 23, 2013

Deal with Love and Rejection

veryone has a fair share of rejection in their life. Some are rejected because of their looks, while others are rejected because of their background and some others are rejected due to their lack of ability. There are many factors that contribute to rejection, but how are you going to deal with it when it comes to love. Rejection is a difficult thing to go through no matter how strong you are. When it comes from the hands of someone you love it stings even worse.

To reject a person is easy but to love a being, it takes enormous willingness, humility and egoless attitude. No being deserves rejection on this earth. If one thinks he needs to be deserted for his sins, every human being deserves to be alone. To err is human. To blame it on someone else is not. When you point out one finger towards others, remember there are four fingers pointing towards you and your mistakes. 
Whether your heart was broken in half or shattered to smithereens you need to begin picking up the pieces and start from the basic. There's nothing wrong with crying it out for a day or two but soon, the sooner the better, you need to start moving forward with your life. It's quite all right to go through the grieving process. In fact, it's absolutely necessary. What you want to avoid is repressing it and have pent up issues down the line. Here’s how, in a one way or another.
1)   Denial. Like most of us does, you deny what is really happening around you,  that the relationships has ended, deny that it your ex left you, deny that you hurt until one day the truth delivers a painful sucker punch.
2)   Anger. This is where bad things happen in some relationships. It's natural and healthy to feel the anger when you’re healing a broken heart from love. What you want to avoid doing is directing the anger in an unproductive manner.
3)    Bargaining. This is where many people do something else they regret later on. People beg, plead, and make absurd promises to change if the heart breaker will only give them one more chance. People even bargain with themselves: I can get him back if I just learn to cook better.
4)   Depression. Sorrow, sadness, and depression are also part of the natural grieving process. There is no shame in being sad or depressed that a relationship has ended. It will help prepare you for the next stage and moving on to new relationships (romantic or not) in your life.
5)    Acceptance. This is often the most difficult and yet the one that will grant the most peace. Once you've moved on to acceptance you may still miss the person, miss the relationship, and miss being part of a "we," but you will not be consumed by the process of healing a broken heart from love and will be able to move forward in your life.
Once in a while, you will find a relationship that you simply value too much to give up without a fight. Life is a rainbow of different colors. Even if we don't like any color, we can't separate it from the rainbow. Similarly life is a mixture of different tastes and various personalities we come across. Some are sweet and some are bitter. Yet life has to go on with all of them within it. Man is a boat sinking and floating with sorrow and happiness in the ocean of Life. They are inseparable. Man is born to accept whatever life bestows on him; not to reject. When he learns to accept all beings in his shadow of Love, there will be God at the other end of his Life's journey just waiting to accept him in his heart bubbling with grace and love which confers endless bliss on Man.

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