Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is My Husband Still in Love With Me - 3 Signs He's Falling Out of Love

Is my husband still in love with me is a question that many women ask after a few years of married life has passed. Early in the relationship we tend to have little to no doubt about how our husband feels. He rushes home to be with us, he never forgets our birthday or anniversary and he often tends to things around the house to keep us happy. That can all change over time and it can leave a woman questioning whether she still owns her spouse's heart. If you've been wondering whether your husband is actually still in love with you as opposed to simply loving you, there are a few signs in his behavior that will give you a great deal of insight into his heart.

Some of the signs your husband is falling out of love with you include:

He spends less and less time with you. Has your husband progressively gotten busier with work over the course of the past few months or years? Work is one of the favorite go-to excuses that men make when they no longer feel emotionally close to their wives. It's a very believable excuse and any well meaning wife generally won't question it because she believes her husband is hard at work providing for the family. If your husband is always looking for an excuse for why he can't be home, that's not a sign of a hard worker. It's a sign of a husband who has lost interest.

Your intimate life has changed dramatically. Just as women find it hard to be physically intimate with a man if there is underlying conflict between them, men are very much the same. If your husband is falling out of love with you, he generally won't be as interested in lovemaking. If he's the one with the headache or he stays up late to avoid falling asleep with you, he may be not be as deeply in love with you as he once was.

He criticizes you on a continuous basis. Some people are emotionally immature and the way they handle a shift in their feelings is by lashing out at the person they loved. If your husband has taken to criticize you for your appearance or behavior that may be his way of emotionally detaching from you. It's also an approach some men take when they want the relationship to be over but don't have the courage to discuss it. They unconsciously berate their wife with the belief that she'll eventually become so tired of it that she'll leave the marriage. Pay close attention to what your husband complains about. It may have a much deeper meaning than you first realized.

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